Sintervac® FurnacesLaboratory and Production size Debind and Sintering Furnaces
Induction Heated Furnaces
Induction heated furnaces for Graphitization and processing of Carbon, Graphite, and CFC matrix composites.
CVD and CVI Furnaces
and Induction furnaces used in Ceramic Processing for non-oxides and Carbon
Lab and R&D Furnaces
For a variety of Research & Development Applications in Metal and Ceramic
MIM FurnacesMetal Injection Molding Debind and Sinter Furnaces for MIM Feedstocks, Additive Manufactured & 3D Printed processes.
New Career Opportunities Available
Centorr Vacuum Industries is Hiring
Field Service Technician | Mechanical Engineer | Electrical Controls Engineer
Centorr Vacuum Industries - Premiere Vacuum Furnace Manufacturer since 1954
Centorr Vacuum Industries manufactures high temperature vacuum and controlled atmosphere furnaces with over 6500 units installed worldwide. We provide a wide range of furnaces for the processing of metals and ceramics and also have specific product expertise in fiber optic cable drawing and gas purification. We specialize in larger production-sized units for the debinding, sintering and densification of a variety of metals and ceramics. Many of our vacuum, laboratory, MIM, vacuum hot press and sintering furnaces have standard designs and sizes, but we also offer custom-built equipment specialized to individual customer requirements.